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Skill Development Message


The National Council for Vocational Training, an advisory body, was set up by the Government of India in 1956 (erstwhile National Council for Training in Vocational Trade-NCTVT). Glad to know that our ITI college has been selected for setting up a skill center under technical course. It will provide necessary technical support basic training to the BPS Institute for Industrial Training Institute (ITI) teachers of this college as well as the students from the entire region of the state. This facility will meet the demand arising out of the needs of the student, who are much more familiar with the studies workshop. I hope to complete it soon so that training can be done by us in the most modern method. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Principal and all those who have made it possible to happen.
Sanjay Kr Singh
Convenor, Skill Centre
BPS PVT ITI Patna (Bihar)

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